Saturday, October 17, 2015

Weekly Update 10/19

Below are the spelling and vocabulary for the next 2 weeks.

Adaptation Vocabulary

Drought- is a long period of time with very little rain.
Balance- when there are not too many and not too few of any kind of living thing.
Migrate- to travel from one place to another and back again.
Hibernate- spend the winter in a kind of deep sleep.
Reproduce- produce new living things.
Adaptation-a feature that helps a living thing survive.
Trait- a characteristic, or feature, of a plant or animal.
Survive- to stay alive.
Climate- the weather conditions prevailing in an area or over a long period of time.
Change- make or become different.

Spelling Words
Red Group
Blue Group
1.     adapt
2.     trait
3.     climate
4.     balance
5.     hibernate
6.     growth
7.     features
8.     drought
9.     migrate
10.                        change
1.     migrate
2.     reproduce
3.     organism
4.     balance
5.     survival
6.     growth
7.     evidence
8.     trait
9.     hibernate
10.                        adaptation

Friday, October 2, 2015

Weekly update 10/5

Please find next week's spelling homework and the vocabulary for the week after below. Homework will be on Thursday this week instead of Friday since we will be out. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Spelling Words
Red Group
Blue Group
1.     noun
2.    verb
3.    pronoun
4.    adjective
5.    adverb
6.    plural noun
7.    proper noun
8.    singular noun
9.    subject
10. predicate
1.     contraction
2.    abstract nouns
3.    verb tense
4.    conjunction
5.    adjective
6.    predicate
7.    irregular verb
8.    comparative
9.    regular
10. superlative

A person, place, or thing.
Shows action or links the subject to the predicate.
Part of a sentence that tells who or what the sentence is about (Noun).
My brown cat scratched me.
Part of a sentence that tells what the subject does or describes the subject (Verb) My brown cat scratched me!
Singular Noun
One person, place or thing. (Cat)
Plural Noun
More than one person, place, thing. (Cats)
Proper Noun
Name of a specific person place or thing. (My cat, Sam)
Takes the place of a noun. (Cat-her, she, he, him, it)
Describes a noun (color, size, shape, texture) brown cat
Describes a verb (when, where or how something is done) He ran quickly yesterday.