Friday, November 20, 2015

Frederick Douglass Vocabulary

Vocabulary Words
Please complete 2 activities from the green choice board.
1.    Abolitionist- a person who wants to end slavery.
2.     Civil Rights-rights protected by laws.
3.    Conductor- a person who helped people escape to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
4.    Conscience- an inner sense of right and wrong.
5.    Enslaved- forced to work without pay.
6.    Expression- The ability to speak or write.
7.    Freedom- Not being controlled by someone.
8.    Justice- Equal treatment under the law.
9.    Liberty- Freedom
10. Prejudice- a strong feeling or opinion formed by unfairly or without knowing all the facts.
11. Rights- freedom’s protected by a country’s laws.
12. Slavery- a cruel system in which someone legally owns or controls another person.
13. Underground Railroad- a secret network of people and hiding places to help slaves escape to freedom.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Milestones practice

This website has an online practice test that will help show students what the format will be  like.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Multiplication look and learn

Below are the answers to the look and learn for multiplication. The students completed the review in class and were told to fix any mistakes. Just in case they did not here is the copy of the answers from my sheet.