Friday, March 11, 2016

Vocabaulry Words March 14-18

Week of: March 14-18, 2016
Milestones’ Vocabulary Review #4
The test will have pictures of each vocabulary word for the students to identify.
It might be helpful to check out a non-fiction book from the library or bring home a textbook and practice identifying each non-fiction text feature.


  1. chart/data table- a graphic representation of information.     
  2. glossary- a list in the back of a book explaining difficult words.
  3. label- the name of a part on a diagram.
  4. table of contents-part of a book that gives names and page numbers of chapters.
  5. index-a detailed alphabetical listing of topics within the book.  
  6. caption-an explanation of a picture or illustration.
  7. heading-a title or caption of a page.
  8. map-a representation of the features of an area.
  9. photograph- a picture produced by a camera.
  10.  key words-a list of words related to a particular subject.

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