Friday, September 18, 2015

For those who want to get ahead....

For those of you who would like to get ahead here are the vocabulary definitions that will be for homework the next week....

Map Skills Vocabulary

latitude- lines that cross the globe from east to west

longitude- lines that cross the globe from north to south.

compass rose- a symbol that shows the four main direction on a map.

map key- the part of a map that explains any symbols or colors on the map.

physical map- a map that shows landforms, bodies of water, or resources.

political map- a map that shows cities, states, and countries.

Prime Meridian- a line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England

map grid- a set of straight lines that cross to form squares of equal size.

globe- a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented.

location- a site or position.



Weekly Update Septemeber 21, 2015

Spelling Words 9/21
Red Group
Blue Group
1.     legend
2.     compass rose
3.     globe
4.     equator
5.     products
6.     scale
7.     west
8.     east
9.     south
10.                        north
1.     legend
2.     latitude
3.     longitude
4.     equator
5.     Prime Meridian
6.     political
7.     products
8.     physical
9.     hemisphere
10.                        symbol

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekly update 9/14

Vocabulary Words
Please complete 2 activities from the green choice board.
1.     Environment- everything that is around a living thing.
2.    Ecosystem- all the living and nonliving things that interact in a place.
3.    Habitat- the place where a plant or animal lives.
4.    Mountain-a high raised part of Earth’s surface.
5.    Piedmont- an area with many hills located between the mountains and coastal plain.
6.    Coastal Plain- an area of low, flat land near an ocean.
7.    Wetland- land that is covered with water most of the time.
8.    Coast- a place where the ocean meets the land.
9.    Marsh- a wetland in which mostly grasses and other soft stem plants grow.
10. Organism- any living thing.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Ms. Glick's Lesson on self control and bucket dipping

We love how Ms. Glick teaches us how to use self control and how to use our manners!